A World Genealogy Project

Tivey Family Genealogy

John Tivey Born 1792

IN 1823 John & Ann and their five children attempted to move back to John's birthplace Melbourne, Derbyshire. The Poor Law prevented them from doing this as John had chosen to take up Ann's place of birth as their Settlement Township, after their marriage in 1811 Breedon on the Hill the couple settled in Staunton Harold. Removal order papers dated 11th April 1823, read -

To the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Township of Melbourne in the County of Derby, and to the Church-wardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Township of Staunton Harold in the County of Leicester.

Whereas Complaint hath been made unto us, whose Names are hereunto set, and seals affiexed, being two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the County of DERBY aforesaid, (one whereof being the Quorum) by the Church-wardens and Overseers of the Poor of the said Township of Melbourne in that John Tivey, Ann his wife, and their five childen, namely, Thomas aged eleven years, Frances aged nine years, Jane seven years, James four years and Mary one year, lately intruded and came into the said township of Melbourne and are actually beome chargeable to the same; We the said Justices, upon due proof made thereof, was well upon the Examination of the said, John Tivey and also Francis Dallman upon Oath, as other Circumstances, do adjudge the same to be true and do also adjudge the Place of legal Settlement of the siad John Tivey, Ann his wife and Thomas, Frances, Jane, James and Mary his said five children to be in the Township of Staunton Harold in the County of Leicesters;

These are therefore in his Majesty's Name to require you the said Church-wardens and Overseers of the Poor of the said Township of Melbourne on Sight hereof, to remove and convey the said John Tivey, Ann his wife, and Thomas, Frances, Jane, James and Mary their said children from and out of the said Township of Melbourne to the said Township of Staunton Harold and Here deliver unto the Church-wardens and Overseers of the Poor there, or to some or one of them, together with this our order, or a true Copy thereof, who are hereby required to recieve and provide for them according to Law.

Given under our Hands and Seals, the eleventh Day of April One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty three. B Heathcote , Maury Lowe.

In 1824 Removal Papers were once again granted, this time to the Overseers of the Poor of the Township of Derby Hills dated 10th December 1824. The papers are identical to the ones mentioned above, except they name John Tivey, his wife Ann and children Thomas aged thirteen, Frances aged ten, Jane eight, James six, Mary two years and Joseph aged 4 months. This time the Justices granted the removal of John & his family from Derby Hills (a small hamlet close to Melbourne) to Staunton Harold.

Ann's Father was Thomas Edwards, a farmer who ran the Roper's Hill Farm and the Peter & Paul Inn at Lount/Staunton Harold. Her mother was Frances Shakespeare who was from a long line of farming families around the Lount/Coleorton/Staunton Harold area of Leicestershire ~ her ancestors of 1500's Mansfield are said to be connected with the Shakespeare's of Wroxall who are connected to William Shakespeare but that has not been confirmed by evidence.

Ann is mentioned in her father's Will.

Will dated 27 Oct 1830, Staunton Harold.
The property, Ropers Hill farm 23 acres, left to his youngest son, James, whom he is now living with: also the "Peter & Paul Inn".
£5 to daughter Mary, spinster, res in Worthington.
Chest of drawers to daughter, Ann Tivey, res in Worthington.
1/- to each son, William, Thomas, John & Edward.
Care and maintenance to daughter, Elizabeth, res with father & mother......

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