Introduction - How to Use the Referencing
The tables which follow give such details of the
various branches of the Tivey family as can be ascertained.
Unfortunately, it has not been possible to trace many records before
about 1770 which can be tied up with later ones. Although records in
Melbourne go back to 1734, there was a period, between about 1770 and
1820, when practically no records of baptisms of Tivey children can be
found, although it is known that a number were born there during this
period. This means that, except for three families where details are
available from Baptist records, the parentage of Tiveys born in
Melbourne in that period cannot be ascertained. Elsewhere, it has not
been possible to identify all the parishes in which Tiveys lived in the
17th and 18th centuries and records are sparse up to 1770 and in some
cases to as late as 1830. In the case of one branch the earliest record
is as late as 1868.
Concentration has been mainly on the male line and a number of Tiveys
(mostly females and unmarried males) have not been allocated to the
branches to which they belong, because it is either impossible or would
be unduly expensive to do so. Similarly, no effort has been made to
identify children who died in infancy, except in so far as information
about them could be readily obtained without unnecessary expense.
Section I, which is divided into groups each allocated
a letter, gives such details as are available from records up to 1837
(when registration of births, marriages and deaths was instituted in
England) which cannot be tied up with later records.
Section II shows the various groups of the Tivey family
going back in each case as far as possible. Groups in this section have
been allocated numbers.
Section III shows records since 1837 not identified as
belonging to particular groups of Section II, but excluding those
children known to have died under the age of 6 years. There are four
sub-sections, depending on whether the records available are of birth,
marriage, death or inclusion in census returns.
An index is provided, divided into three sections – Males, Females born
Tivey and Wives; this excludes all children known to have died under the
age of 6 years, whether or not they are included in the tables.
The details of the families in Section II and also in certain Groups of
Section I are set out in list rather than tree form; this is mainly for
convenience of reproduction but also permits relevant notes to be
inserted at the appropriate places.
A standard format has been adopted throughout whereby an entry is made
for each male Tivey other than (a) those known to have died under the
age of 18 and (b) those at present under the age of 18. Details for each
entry are set out as follows :-
Man’s name When & where born When & where died, Occupation
Wife’s Christian & Maiden names When & where born When & where died
(Details of wife’s parents, where known)
When & where married
Christian Names When & where born To whom married When & where When &
where died
All female Tiveys and those males who are known to have died under 18 or
at present under 18 are shown only in the lists of children in the
entries for their respective fathers. Other male Tiveys, except those in
the first generation of each Group, thus appear twice – in the list of
their father’s children and in their own entry. In some cases,
information is given in less detail in the entry under the father than
in the man’s own entry.
Each entry is given a code number showing (a) the generation within the
Group and (b) the sub-Group to which the man belongs. Thus, if
generation 1 had three sons all surviving to over 18, the eldest would
be 2A, the next 2B and the third 2C. The sons of 2A would be coded
3A(1), 3A(2) etc. and thereafter small letters and small Roman numerals
would be used for alternate generations in all cases where there is more
than one son (e.g. 4 A(1)(a); 5A(1)(a)(i)), but if, for example, 3A(1)
had only one son surviving to age 18 his entry would be coded 4A(1).
To trace descent back it must be remembered that only the generation
number changes while an additional letter or figure is added where there
is more than one son. All persons with an A in their coding are
descended from the first person to whom that letter is allocated – e.g.
1A in some Groups, 2A in most Groups and 3A where 2 was an only son.
Thus, if we take the example of the entry in Group 9 of 6D(6)(a)(i), he
is the only son of 5D(6)(a)(i), who in turn is the eldest son of
4D(6)(a), whose father was 3D(6) and whose grandfather was 2D.
The coding “X”, “(X)” or “(x)” is used either for illegitimate children
or those believed to belong to the Group but whose parents cannot be
definitely identified.