Marriage of Amos-Tivey-and-Catherine-Wilkinson
solemnized at Wavertree Church in the Parish of Childwell County
of Lancaster. Entry No 144, April 22 (1865) Amos Tivey, of
Full age, Bachelor, Post Office Letter Carrier, of Wavertree,
Son of Sidney Tivey, Mechanic. Catherine Wilkinson, of
Full Age, spinster, of Tenby, Daughter of John Wilkinson,
Builder. Marriage by certifcate, Witnesses John Wilkinson and
Annie Wilkinson.
Amos was born in Melbourne, Derbyshire in 1842 he is from Group 1, the son of Sidney Tivey and Sarah Calow. They had one daughter Amy Lydia TIVEY who survived infancy, both her parents Amos and Catherine died when she was very young, she was brought up by her mother's parents John and Lydia Wilkinson in Liverpool. Amy married Richard Maxfield in 1896 sadly she died less than a year later in 1897.
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